Fabienne Korchia took her first steps in the business world in the Fashion Mecca of the world, - Paris.
Designing, producing and marketing her own collections very successfully and later co -ordinating young designer fashion shows. After running her own business for over ten years she decided to widen her expertise in the area of internet marketing.
Together with her business partner, Jicky Vogel, her determination to take up new challenges pushed her to create one of the leading website for singles in France, giving her numerous reviews worldwide and an established reputation in this market. In 2007 she got involved in real estate. Her passion, skills and interest afforded her the opportunity to express her creative skills successfully in interior design.
Fabienne has been a diver since 2006 and this, together with her passion for underwater photography has taken her to numerous places around the world.
She has been a member of Greenpeace for more than a decade and shares her knowledge around the word in order to gain people’s awareness, bringing the message front if mind in the hope that mankind will begin to act fast enough to save our planet for our future generations.