Peter Szyszka is among the elite of diving professionals worldwide having achieved Instructor Trainer status with 6 training agencies - PADI Course Director, TDI Instructor Trainer for all courses including Trimix, DSAT Trimix Instructor Trainer, DAN Instructor Trainer in Oxygen Provision, Emergency First Response Instructor Trainer and Instructor Trainer for IAHD (International Association of Handicapped Divers). Hailing originally from Poland, Peter is now resident in Australia, having emigrated 17 years ago. He is one of the most sought after instructors in Asia Pacific but this demand is not solely due to his impressive qualifications. He has a gift for training, an extensive knowledge in all areas of diving and a passion for this sport that inspires all who come in contact with him. His resume stands at more than 1000 diving certifications, with more than 150 of these at instructor level. Peter is certified to service over 13 brands of scuba equipment and has an extensive knowledge of, and experience in equipment configuration including rebreathers, oxygen cleaning and gas blending. Not only are Peter’s teaching and other qualifications impressive, but so too is his diving experience. He is a passionate wreck diver, particularly deep wrecks. Peter has dived on all 7 Continents and 32 countries in all conditions and water temperatures.